While it may sound a little like sticking feathers all up in your brows, that's definitely not what eyebrow feathering is. With the rise of all kinds of wacky brow trends you’d be forgiven for thinking feathered brows were exactly what they sounded like.

What Is Eyebrow Feathering
Eyebrow feathering, also known as ‘feather touch tattoo’ or ‘microblading’ is a cosmetic eyebrow tattoo that simulates the look of hairs. Using a tiny scalpel-like tool composed of a row of needles, cuts are made into superficial layers of the skin then pigment is rubbed into the cuts. The fine lines of pigment imitate the look of eyebrow hairs.
This technique can look natural and subtle, so you may ask…
“Why don’t YOU offer feathering Elise Louise??”
Well I’m glad you asked.
Why I Don't Do Eyebrow Feathering
I specialise in micropigmentation, not microblading. Micropigmentation uses a cosmetic tattoo machine, not a microblade. Micropigmentation deposits very fine dots of colour into the lowest layers of the epidermis, simulating the look of having softly powdered in your brows. Due to a deeper layer of skin being reached, eyebrow tattooing by machine lasts a lot longer than microblading which saves my clients time and money. You can expect microblading to last anywhere from 3 months to 1 year, however micropigmentation will last from 9 months to 2 years.
People with oily skin shouldn’t have microblading as it doesn’t take well on their skin. I'm an oily skinned lady and I want my oily skinned sisters (and brothers) to be able to have fabulous brows too! Micropigmentation works on ALL skin types. Yaaayyy!
Why I Choose Soft Powder Brows
I specialise in a particular kind on micropigmentation that I like to call Soft Powder Brows. Firstly the perfect brow shape is precisely measured and mapped out. Then the single, finest cosmetic tattoo needle and a cosmetic tattoo machine are used to implant tiny dots of pigment within the brow area. After healing, the Soft Powder Brow Tattoo looks just like you've softly powdered your brows in. PERFECTLY.
Due to longer lasting results that suit all skin types, I chose the Soft Powder technique over microblading.
See the '5 Shocking Facts You Must Know Before Getting Microblading' to find out more.
Want to find out more about the Soft Powder Brow Tattoo? I’m now offering free, no-obligation consultations where you can have all your questions answered! Simply click here to to book in your free consultation instantly.

Elise Louise is the client certified 'brow wizard'. Seriously, she has the certificate her client made her to prove it.
Find her in her Melbourne salon, specialising in the Soft Powder Brow Tattoo, the Keratin Lash Lift and expert brow services.
Check out more of her blog here.